— graphic design

Graphic design makes your project look good and work well.

Graphic design is not simply the process of making things look good; it’s imperative that good design also aids the process of how something works. Graphic design for print and digital media helps to present your information in a way that is clear and engaging to a user, helping them to consume more of your content in the process.

First impressions count! Poor design has the opposite effect: people spend less time looking at your content, perhaps dismissing it entirely. Elements of design should be used carefully; cramming too much on a page for the sake of it just isn’t worth it.

Good graphic design also helps ensure consistency in how your information is being presented to your audience. Your audience is now likely to find your content in a range of different places – in marketing and via different social media channels – so graphic design can help people to identify your brand just by recognising individual elements of your brand such as unique colours, images or fonts.

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Design is subjective

Like all art, design may be considered subjective – what one person loves, another person hates. So what makes good design different – or how do you gauge what makes a successful design? The biggest mistake we often see people making is that they choose what they like, rather than what may best illustrate their brand to their intended audience.

Design is content-led

Creating good designs is an art in itself, but good design is not just about producing something that looks good; it is also producing designs that work well.

To design well, designers need to know what it is they are trying to convey: how much information needs to be included; what is the intended audience; where is the intended output; at what screen size, or print size? If a designer has that information ahead of time, they can design something that looks good, and works well. They’re also more likely to produce a piece of work that needs fewer revisions, and will therefore be ready quicker, and cost less. Win-win.

Design is applied intentionally

Design is an intentional process, with a collective range of decisions producing the final piece of work.

Designers will use their skill and experience to select fonts, colours and other design elements that help to convey ideas to, and invoke an emotional response from, an audience. Rather than just filling a page with lots of graphical elements, a good designer will be looking to use the right balance of elements that collectively help to create a designed piece.

At Tentmaker, we produce a range of graphical items for clients, either by producing them ourselves or by providing art direction to a range of designers who we work alongside to produce content on behalf of our clients.

By managing the process with designers, we work to consider how some of your design assets can be produced in different outputs and different file formats. Our aim is ensuring that you have more options in how to use your designed assets, therefore creating more value in each piece of work.