Marsali Campbell

After xx years in Uganda, I am now preparing to move to Bolivia to serve God with Pioneers International, working with the Quechan people.

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  • Fundraising to support ministry costs in Bolivia

Supporting Marsali and her work in bolivia


After serving in Africa for 20 years, I’m looking forward to moving to Bolivia to serve alongside Pioneers.

As much as I recognise, particularly in hindsight, the steps that God has already led me on and can see some of the steps ahead, there is still a lot to do. But there is also a real sense that I can see some of the path ahead. However, as it goes round corners, all that is ahead cannot be seen.

Of course, that is right because, even as we make plans for tomorrow, God has said quite clearly that we simply don’t know what even tomorrow will bring. Any moment that God gives us is a gift from Him. However, I’ve a real sense that the Lord is leading and guiding me along the path that I’m travelling. At the moment I can’t see round the corners to where the path is taking me but “ …your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.” (Psa 139v10)

This page will offer a little more insight into my recent news, how you can pray with me for the work, and opportunites to support the practical needs of the work.

Thank you for partnering with me,


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Prayer Notes

• Give thanks to God for all He has done and continues to do in this new season
• Pray that God will receive all the glory and honour
• Pray for all the deputation talks, travels and logistics – that people will be enthused, challenged and encouraged about what God is doing
• Pray for finance to meet the budget for missionary support
• Pray for all the plans for ministry in Bolivia – flights,
visa, setting up a home, etc.
• Pray for learning the Spanish language and Bolivian
and Quechua culture
• Pray for building relationships within the Pioneers
Team and the Bolivian Church
• Pray for opportunities to reach out to street
connected and vulnerable children

How you can support marsali’s work in Bolivia

Thank you for partnering with me, some of the questions I am asked most frequently are displayed below, but I would also be glad to hear from you directly via the contact section at the bottom of the page.

Can I make a one off donation?

Yes, thank you! One off donations can be made online by using the payment system facilitated by my home church, Smithton Church.

You can find that by clicking this link here and selecting the ‘Marsali Campbell’ option. Smithton Church will then arrange to forward the funds.

If you would prefer to make a donation by bank transfer, please contact Pioneers International here, using the reference ‘300SC1-Campbell.’

Can I set up a recurring donation

Thank you for your support – recurring donations allow me to continue my work with Pioneers over the long term and are one of the most direct ways that you can offer help, thank you.

Please use the reference ‘300SC1-Campbell’ to ensure that Pioneers can correctly assign your gift.

1. Bank Transfer: If you have access to online banking, you can make a one-off payment online.

Pioneers Bank details;
• Account name; Pioneers UK Ministries
• Sort code: 60-02-50
• Account no: 69239584

2. Via Pioneers website (

3. Stewardship or CAF: You can also gift using these organisations and Pioneers will be able to collect the funds from them.

4. Cheque: You can send a cheque to Pioneers UK.



Can I sign up for a prayer updates?

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Can you come and speak at our church/group?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incid idunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nos trud exerci tation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Questions you may have about Bolivia and my work

After 20 years of service in Africa with AIM, I am excited to see how God is leading to open doors for me to serve in Bolivia. While there is a lot of differences about my new home and work, I am reminded of God’s faithfulness – leading me as I seek to serve. Please get in touch if you have further questions, I’d be pleased to hear from you.

When are you heading to bolivia?

I’m currently undertaking deputation work and aiming to raise support. I hope to go to Bolivia in the late spring/early summer if my support levels can be met.

What work will you be doing in bolivia?

 While the exact work is still to be developed once I’m in Bolivia, I hope to be partnering with the Evangelical Baptist Church in Sucre, working as part of the Pioneers Team in Bolivia.



Will you still be undertaking work with street children?

Yes, I hope so.

I hope to have opportunity to reach out to street connected children with the love of God in partnership with the local Bolivian church.

When I go to Bolivia I will initially be exploring opportunities to use the gifts, training, medical knowledge and experience to see where I can best serve.

Who are Pioneers and where can I learn more?

Pioneers has more than 3000 international missionary members, working in 324 missions teams, in 104 countries, among 202 unreached people groups, mobilised from 10 international missions bases.

You can learn more about Pioneers on their website here.

Where I will be serving


  • Ethnically diverse
  • Native Americans (55%)
  • Mestizo Bolivians (30%)
  • European (15%)
  • The poorest country in South America
  • Population approx. 12 million
The Quechua people
  • Indigenous descendants of the Inca Empire
  • Majority live in the Andes in areas difficult to access
  • As poor humble farmers they plant crops, and tend their sheep, goats or llamas
  • Many now migrate to the cities in search of job opportunities

Who I will be working with

Pioneers International

Pioneers has more than 3000 international missionary members, working in 324 missions teams, in 104 countries, among 202 unreached people groups, mobilised from 10 international missions bases.

Partner with me

Thank you for showing interest in partnering with me in the work.

You can use this form to sign up for my newsletters, to make a donation of financial support either as a one off, or as a recurring donation.

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